An Overture of Death v0.6.1 #

Bleeding Out #

When a Creature is reduced to 0 hit points and not killed outright, they are considered to be Bleeding Out.

Your turn while Bleeding Out #

At the start of a Creature’s Turn, if they are Bleeding Out then they must make a Death Saving Throw. The DC of this Death Saving Throw is equal to 8 + their Exhaustion Level (See: Conditions).

Being hit while Bleeding Out #

When a Creature who is Bleeding Out takes damage from an attack or affect;

Stabilizing #

As an action a Creature may attempt to stabilize another Creature who is Bleeding Out. Stabilization is a Medicine Ability Check with a DC of to 10 + the Bleeding Out Creature’s Exhaustion level.

Action Stabilization #

On a success, the Bleeding Out Creature is Stabilized and gains 1 Hit Point.

Stabilization via Healing Magic/Abilities #

A Creature may also choose to Heal another Creature who is Bleeding Out.